I.T. Takes a Team.®

OunceIT recognizes that people struggle with technology and change. Our mission is to eliminate the frustrations people experience with technology and change.

We have learned that it takes a team to support the technical needs of any institution, and we apply that team approach to each of our clients, regardless of a client's size or particular needs.

Technology has a significant impact on our lives, our businesses, how we operate and how we learn, yet people struggle with it.

  • Organizations struggle to find IT staff they can trust.

  • Employees struggle to use technology effectively.

  • Schools struggle to use technology effectively for learning and teaching.

  • IT departments struggle with limited budgets, limited staff, and high demand.

  • Leaders struggle when they try to apply their vision to technology.

OunceIT removes the struggle. We establish effective and reliable use of technology, adapted to the needs of your organization. Our goal is to help your organization improve all areas that touch technology—from the inside—to design and implement a dynamic and sustainable technology plan, including: 

  • Leadership and vision

  • Technology process and change management

  • Infrastructure and technical support

  • Educational technology and professional development

We apply our team approach so that the best OunceIT staff are addressing each area of struggle in your organization. You get the benefit of a complete I.T. department without the overhead. It Takes a Team!®